Friday, June 10, 2016

Audible and Quilting for the win!

Because I am lucky enough to work from home, I need the sound of a voice other than mine to fill the house. Audible is perfect for that!

I've had a subscription to Audible for about two years and only recently discovered the wonders of the genre called cozy mysteries. I don't know why it took me so long to find these gems. As described by Goodreads,

Cozies very rarely focus on sex, profanity or violence. The murders take place off stage, and are often relatively bloodless (e.g. poisoning), while sexual activity (if any) between characters is only ever gently implied and never directly addressed.

The cozy mystery usually takes place in a small town or village. The small size of the setting makes it believable that all the suspects know each other. The amateur sleuth is usually a very likeable person who is able to get the community members to talk freely about each other. There is usually at least one very knowledgeable, nosy, yet reliable character in the book who is able to fill in all of the blanks, thus enabling the amateur sleuth to solve the case.

I started listening to cozy mysteries without realizing it when I downloaded books from the Murder She Wrote series. I enjoyed the TV show and figured the books would make good companions. They are easy listening and don't require my full attention. I can quilt and listen without losing my place on either endeavor.

After listening to several Murder She Wrote books, Audible automatically began to recommend other books related to the type. That led me to the Southern Sisters series by Anne George. These books are absolutely wonderful. They feature Patricia Anne, the narrator, and her sister Mary Alice who live in Birmingham, Alabama. The things they get themselves mixed up in are hilarious, heartwarming, and highly entertaining. If you like mysteries that don't include a lot of gore or violence, these books are the perfect fit. The first in the series is entitled Murder on a Girl's Night Out. I give it four enthusiastic quills!

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